On this page I intend listing links to websites I have found useful in both my research and genealogy studies.
Genealogy Studies: National Institute for Genealogical Studies
(www.genealogicalstudies.com) admin@genealogicalstudies.com
I have enjoyed my studies with the National Institute for Genealogical Studies and will again study with them when more courses become available especially on Scottish and Italian topics. I was first attracted by the fact that I could do a single subject and I gained such enjoyment from the first course that I continued my studies now having completed 163 courses.
familytree Magazine: (www.familytreemagazine.com)
While I don’t subscribe to the magazine or studied with the magazine’s familytree University it does have some interesting courses.
My Research Links:
During my research since 1910 the main sites I use are:
Ancestry: (www.ancestry.com)
MyHeritage: (www.myheritage.com)
FamilySearch: (www.familysearch.org)
Findmy past: (findmypast.com)
Families in British India Society: (www.fibis.org/)
ScotlandsPeople: (scotlandspeople.gov.uk)
Other Links:
Cyndi’s List: (http://www.cyndislist.com/)
RootsWeb.com: (http://www.rootsweb.com/)
FreeBMD: (https://www.freebmd.org.uk)
Fold3: (http://www.fold3.com)
AAAState of Play Genealogy for Kids: (https://www.aaastateofplay.com/genealogy-for-kids-building-a-family-tree/) The site was recommended by Isaac who was completing a Genealogy Merit Badge with his Scout Group.
Our Public Records https://ourpublicrecords.org This site was recommended by the site Marketing Manager and well worth a look
Trove: (http://www.trove.nla.gov.au/)
Australasia Births, Deaths and Marriages Exchange: (http://www.ausbdm.org/)
Websites for Genealogists – Birth, Death and Marriage Records in Australia: (http://www.coraweb.com.au)
Queensland Government – Justice Services – Births, Deaths and Marriages: (http://www.justice.qld.gov.au/bdm.htm)
Victoria – Births, Deaths and Marriages: (https://www. vic.gov.au)
Western Australia – Births, Deaths and Marriages: (https://www.bdm.dotag.wa.gov.au/)
New South Wales – Births, Deaths and Marriages: (https://www. bdm.nsw.gov.au)
Northern Territory – Births, Deaths and Marriages: (https://www. nt.gov.au/justice/bdm/)
General Register
Office for Scotland – List of Parishes and Registration Districts: (http://wwww.gro-scotland.gov.uk/famrec/list-of-parishes-registration-districts.html)
ScotlandsPlaces –
Boundaries of Counties and Parishes: (http://www.scotlandsplaces.gov.uk/digital_volumes/dv.php?dv_id=66)
“Boundaries of Counties and Parishes in Scotland as Settled by the Boundary
Commissioners Under the Local Government (Scotland Act, 1889”
The Scottish Association of Family History Societies: (http://www.safhs.org.uk)
England, Wales,
Channel Islands and the Isle of Man:
The National Archives:
Registers: (http://www.bmdregisters.co.uk)
Wills, probate and
inheritance: (http://www.justice.gov.uk/courts/probate/probate-registries)
Proceedings of the
Old Bailey: (http://www.oldbaileyonline.org)
National Archives
of Ireland: (http://www.nationalarchives.ie)
National Library
of Ireland: (http://www.n;i.ie)
NIDirect – Public Records
Office of Northern Ireland: (https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/proni)
Ulster Historical
Foundation: (https://www.ancestryireland.com)
Irish American Immigration History: (https://www.irishdualcitizenship.org/irish-american-immigration-history/). A website recommended by a student called Amelia from the North Mountain Institute, Arizona USA
More coming soon with further links to country specific webpages.
On this page I intend listing links to websites I have found useful in both my research and genealogy studies.
Genealogy Studies: National Institute for Genealogical Studies
(www.genealogicalstudies.com) admin@genealogicalstudies.com
I have enjoyed my studies with the National Institute for Genealogical Studies and will again study with them when more courses become available especially on Scottish and Italian topics. I was first attracted by the fact that I could do a single subject and I gained such enjoyment from the first course that I continued my studies now having completed 163 courses.
familytree Magazine: (www.familytreemagazine.com)
While I don’t subscribe to the magazine or studied with the magazine’s familytree University it does have some interesting courses.
My Research Links:
During my research since 1910 the main sites I use are:
Ancestry: (www.ancestry.com)
MyHeritage: (www.myheritage.com)
FamilySearch: (www.familysearch.org)
Findmy past: (findmypast.com)
Families in British India Society: (www.fibis.org/)
ScotlandsPeople: (scotlandspeople.gov.uk)
Other Links:
Cyndi’s List: (http://www.cyndislist.com/)
RootsWeb.com: (http://www.rootsweb.com/)
FreeBMD: (https://www.freebmd.org.uk)
Fold3: (http://www.fold3.com)
AAAState of Play Genealogy for Kids: (https://www.aaastateofplay.com/genealogy-for-kids-building-a-family-tree/) The site was recommended by Isaac who was completing a Genealogy Merit Badge with his Scout Group.
Our Public Records https://ourpublicrecords.org
Trove: (http://www.trove.nla.gov.au/)
Australasia Births, Deaths and Marriages Exchange: (http://www.ausbdm.org/)
Websites for Genealogists – Birth, Death and Marriage Records in Australia: (http://www.coraweb.com.au)
Queensland Government – Justice Services – Births, Deaths and Marriages: (http://www.justice.qld.gov.au/bdm.htm)
Victoria – Births, Deaths and Marriages: (https://www. vic.gov.au)
Western Australia – Births, Deaths and Marriages: (https://www.bdm.dotag.wa.gov.au/)
New South Wales – Births, Deaths and Marriages: (https://www. bdm.nsw.gov.au)
Northern Territory – Births, Deaths and Marriages: (https://www. nt.gov.au/justice/bdm/)
General Register
Office for Scotland – List of Parishes and Registration Districts: (http://wwww.gro-scotland.gov.uk/famrec/list-of-parishes-registration-districts.html)
ScotlandsPlaces –
Boundaries of Counties and Parishes: (http://www.scotlandsplaces.gov.uk/digital_volumes/dv.php?dv_id=66)
“Boundaries of Counties and Parishes in Scotland as Settled by the Boundary
Commissioners Under the Local Government (Scotland Act, 1889”
The Scottish Association of Family History Societies: (http://www.safhs.org.uk)
England, Wales,
Channel Islands and the Isle of Man:
The National Archives:
Registers: (http://www.bmdregisters.co.uk)
Wills, probate and
inheritance: (http://www.justice.gov.uk/courts/probate/probate-registries)
Proceedings of the
Old Bailey: (http://www.oldbaileyonline.org)
National Archives
of Ireland: (http://www.nationalarchives.ie)
National Library
of Ireland: (http://www.n;i.ie)
NIDirect – Public Records
Office of Northern Ireland: (https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/proni)
Ulster Historical
Foundation: (https://www.ancestryireland.com)
Irish American Immigration History: (https://www.irishdualcitizenship.org/irish-american-immigration-history/). A website recommended by a student called Amelia from the North Mountain Institute, Arizona USA
More coming soon with further links to country specific webpages.
On this page I intend listing links to websites I have found useful in both my research and genealogy studies.
Genealogy Studies: National Institute for Genealogical Studies
(www.genealogicalstudies.com) admin@genealogicalstudies.com
I have enjoyed my studies with the National Institute for Genealogical Studies and will again study with them when more courses become available especially on Scottish and Italian topics. I was first attracted by the fact that I could do a single subject and I gained such enjoyment from the first course that I continued my studies now having completed 163 courses.
familytree Magazine: (www.familytreemagazine.com)
While I don’t subscribe to the magazine or studied with the magazine’s familytree University it does have some interesting courses.
My Research Links:
During my research since 1910 the main sites I use are:
Ancestry: (www.ancestry.com)
MyHeritage: (www.myheritage.com)
FamilySearch: (www.familysearch.org)
Findmy past: (findmypast.com)
Families in British India Society: (www.fibis.org/)
ScotlandsPeople: (scotlandspeople.gov.uk)
Other Links:
Cyndi’s List: (http://www.cyndislist.com/)
RootsWeb.com: (http://www.rootsweb.com/)
FreeBMD: (https://www.freebmd.org.uk)
Fold3: (http://www.fold3.com)
AAAState of Play Genealogy for Kids: (https://www.aaastateofplay.com/genealogy-for-kids-building-a-family-tree/) The site was recommended by Isaac who was completing a Genealogy Merit Badge with his Scout Group.
Our Public Records https://ourpublicrecords.org
Trove: (http://www.trove.nla.gov.au/)
Australasia Births, Deaths and Marriages Exchange: (http://www.ausbdm.org/)
Websites for Genealogists – Birth, Death and Marriage Records in Australia: (http://www.coraweb.com.au)
Queensland Government – Justice Services – Births, Deaths and Marriages: (http://www.justice.qld.gov.au/bdm.htm)
Victoria – Births, Deaths and Marriages: (https://www. vic.gov.au)
Western Australia – Births, Deaths and Marriages: (https://www.bdm.dotag.wa.gov.au/)
New South Wales – Births, Deaths and Marriages: (https://www. bdm.nsw.gov.au)
Northern Territory – Births, Deaths and Marriages: (https://www. nt.gov.au/justice/bdm/)
General Register
Office for Scotland – List of Parishes and Registration Districts: (http://wwww.gro-scotland.gov.uk/famrec/list-of-parishes-registration-districts.html)
ScotlandsPlaces –
Boundaries of Counties and Parishes: (http://www.scotlandsplaces.gov.uk/digital_volumes/dv.php?dv_id=66)
“Boundaries of Counties and Parishes in Scotland as Settled by the Boundary
Commissioners Under the Local Government (Scotland Act, 1889”
The Scottish Association of Family History Societies: (http://www.safhs.org.uk)
England, Wales,
Channel Islands and the Isle of Man:
The National Archives:
Registers: (http://www.bmdregisters.co.uk)
Wills, probate and
inheritance: (http://www.justice.gov.uk/courts/probate/probate-registries)
Proceedings of the
Old Bailey: (http://www.oldbaileyonline.org)
National Archives
of Ireland: (http://www.nationalarchives.ie)
National Library
of Ireland: (http://www.n;i.ie)
NIDirect – Public Records
Office of Northern Ireland: (https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/proni)
Ulster Historical
Foundation: (https://www.ancestryireland.com)
Irish American Immigration History: (https://www.irishdualcitizenship.org/irish-american-immigration-history/). A website recommended by a student called Amelia from the North Mountain Institute, Arizona USA
More coming soon with further links to country specific webpages.